Proposed Master Planning of Kibada Satelite City – Dar Es Salam
MultiScope Consulting Engineers were commissioned to carry out engineering design and construction supervision for civil engineering works for the proposed Master Plan.
The Proposed Master Plan involved the following:
Baseline Survey: The task includes the technical evaluation and auditing of existing buildings structures and general conceptualization of the area and gathering data and information from the client.
Feasibility Studies: This was an evaluation and analysis of the potential of the proposed project which was based on extensive investigation and research to give full comfort to the decisions makers with technical reports justifying the project.
Detailed Master Plan: The detailed Master plan included but not limited to the following;
Infrastructural Elements that Includes:
Roads, Footpaths, Parking and Street Lighting and Drainage System Design
Roads and drainage involving approximately 402 Km of open channel surface run-off drainage channels, 1,540,000 M2 of paved internal roads and parking and street lighting on all the roads.
Transportation Planning
The application of planning techniques in the operation, provision and management of facilities and services for any modes of transport to achieve safe, faster, comfortable, convenience, economical and environmentally suitable movement of people and goods. This involved traffic survey and studies in developing the routes (Origin – Destination) justifying the roads network.
Geotechnical Investigation Services
Geotechnical investigations formed the basis of the nature of the underground strata of the project area. This help study the soil properties permeability and porosity that affect to some minor extent the percentage of the rainfall which will result in run-off. The outcome governs the type and nature of the building to be set up and foundation details.
Solid Waste Management
Multiscope Consulting Engineers Ltd devised means by which solid wastes other than hazardous and radioactive materials often called municipal solid waste (MSW) that consist of all the solid and semisolid materials would be discarded without posing any hazard to the community.
Sewerage System
The proposed design sewer lines have a total length of approximately 375 Km and thousands of inspection chambers and manholes.
Water Reticulation
The water reticulation with site to all the blocks comprising all pipes and fittings, valves, tees, bends, joints, valve chambers and road crossings. Further, the scope includes fire fighting. Approximate Tender Sum Kshs. 10,300,000,000.